Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Techie Junk Still Happens!

Keep Your Head Up, Even Under Stress!

Life tosses things at us sometimes, that we think we would rather not experience just now!

I have spent much time over the past ten days chasing down tech issues, phone challenges, Skype problems, etc. to be able to get back to work, serving our clients needs. It can be frustrating and stressful.  Have any good things happened during the same period? How many of us are so wrapped up in the challenges, we fail to see, or even look for, the benefits derived from the challenges?
The day my telephone issues began I learned that I needed to help my sister get to the hospital. Much of the time lost from my work has allowed me to research health improvement opportunities to improve and extend my own life! I can, if I look, find many positive effects of my recent stressful techie issues. I was even able to sell my Suburban for exactly what I was wanting from it, rusty bumper and all!

Mid-day Day 6!

Still chasing down techie issues. It's one of the benefits of living rural! My juicing adventure is doing well.I am still feeling better overall. I am more mobile than before starting, with improves sustained energy throughout the day. As has been mentioned before, I am presently doing juice only, in the morning and evening, with my mid-day meal being juice with other foods in reasonable helpings. Monday (Day 9) I will drop that mid-day thing and do just juice for another week.

I talked a little bit the other day about Potato juice. I actually tried it yesterday. Some interesting observation....just like fresh cut spuds, the juice oxidizes quickly. When I finished juicing a half dozen small spuds for the test, I received a series of distracting phone calls. When I finally got back to my trial, I noticed a serious separation. I had a 1/2 layer of what I presume to be starch on the bottom of the container! I cut the thick, paste-like layer into small cubes and mixed it back in to the juice. As for taste, it didn't drive me away. The "jury" is still out on this. I will continue with research and experimentation on potatoes, including various blends with other juices.

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP 
~Leonard Nimoy's final tweet from mortality!~

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