Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Are You a Dreamer?

 Many years ago a very successful and well known man, W. Clement Stone, asked what manner of a parent would present a child an ice cream cone and then snatch it away?

Stone's reasoning is simple....God doesn't do that either! When you are inspired to take a certain action, design a certain item, follow that prompting......God would not provide the dream and then snatch it away from you.
Renowned heart surgeon, Russell M. Nelson, tells of a time he was called upon to solve a patient's heart problem. A major stumbling block, however, was that the technology did not yet exist to resolve this patient's challenge. Dr. Nelson describes how the solution came to him fully developed  in a dream! He was able to perform the surgery applying his new technique with confidence and success.
If, as in my case, you feel inspired that NOW is the time to make a change to lifelong habits, if you ask Him, God will show you a clear, concise path to achieving your plan.

In this case, perhaps the ice cream cone example, relative to picking up better health habits might offend some. Sorry, it's really not about ice cream cones at all!

One Week Already?

I began my juicing adventure last Saturday, one week ago! While I am yet far from perfect in following a "juice only" plan, I am on the path to that. I have been doing one "old-style" meal per day (with better portion control). Sometimes I have snacked on fruit (an apple or orange) or chomped a carrot or celery during the day. It's been two weeks without a carbonated or caffeinated beverage! That, of its own in a huge step! I am still improving in my mobility. That's an area where I need to apply more effort. As previously discussed, mine is a very sedentary job, sitting at this same computer, in my home, talking on the phone to some really nice people around the country, wanting to donate to our client's charity!
I need to be out, moving, walking etc.! Now that my techie issues are overcome, I can focus more on that habit change.....clock out then walk out!

I haven't taken to opportunity to further my potato juice project. From the one experiment, it is clearly apparent that it should be consumed immediately for two reason. The color changes, and most people don't like the thought of a black drink! Also, the starch settles from the juice into a pretty layer of firm paste at the bottom. I may do more testing tomorrow after church.

I've mentioned a couple of my mentors, here is another.....John Kohler, Not only does John sell juicers, he has a severalYouTube channels. They all have a central focus on healthy eating (or drinking). I've seen a lot of his Growing your Greens videos. As we creep into spring, you may find these of interest!

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