Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

...and the Adventure Continues!


Day 4

going well!

I was up 30 minutes before my alarm today. My blood glucose level was still high; however, lower than yesterday. This was before my morning medications. Perhaps a brief insurance coverage has managed to screw up some of my prescriptions at a time I was between paydays. Thus, I've been very slothful, and am out of each, except for long acting insulin. A half hour after taking that dose, my glucose was in the high end of normal range. 

Prior to my morning juice, I started preparing ingredients for a dinner with my boys, later in the week. I began cooking pork sausage which I will combine in a filling for stuffed jalapenos! Again, as discussed yesterday, HABITS always play into life's daily equations! I love to cook, it has always been a happy and creative activity. Although I did nibble as I cooked, the snitching was definitely less than in previous "normal" cooking events.

A blogger friend in Costa Rica posted a great graphic today, introducing us to a new, and very successful weight loss product! This goes well with my point yesterday, my habits, attitudes, and emotions are far more a determinant of success in restoring my body to a more functional and desirable place!

Just got back from shopping. It's interesting what folks notice...I purchased a 25# bag of carrots because I enjoy carrot juice. A few folks asked what I would be doing with that many carrots! Other notice the sizable packages of kale, broccoli  and spinach and asked how big a salad I was making. Nobody asked about the cheese, or other stuff for the few old style meal, or dinners with my boys, or when my college student son stops in for lunch (it's closer than mom's place).Since I enjoy his company, I try to be prepared. So, it presented many opportunities to share my project and maybe expand my audience!

Overall I had a good day. As for progress, I yielded my juice meal to enjoy an evening meal out with some of my boys. We had Mexican and all enjoyed. I didn't over do it and even only had water with my meal.

I found a you tube video that I thought you might enjoy on sticking to the task! When I encounter people like we see in the video linked below, it makes me feel like I've been too focused on the challenges in my life. and selfish for my complaints. The things Arthur overcame

 in the video are nothing short of spectacular!

Thank you to Arthur and our many, many more Wounded Warriors who have sacrificed so much for each of us!

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