Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Someday Isle

Many years ago, I became 

acquainted with the following poem:

There is an Island Fantasy called "Someday Isle" I'll never see;
Recession stops, inflation ceases,
My mortgage is paid and my pay increases;
Someday Isle where my problems end, 
Every piece of mail is from a friend;
The children are sweet and already grown,
Where all the other countries can go it alone;
We all retire at forty-one,
Playing backgammon in the island sun.
Happiness cannot be sought,
It can't be owned, it can't be bought;
Where you are right here, right now, 
Pushing the pencil or pushing the plow,
Life's most important revelation
Is that happiness is the journey,
At least as much as the destination!
It's knocking on doors and making your calls,
It's getting back up after your falls.
It's going to school and standing in line.
It's tasting defeat. And tasting the wine.
I've been trudging through life going mile after mile.
But, I'll never set foot on Someday Isle!
I've paid all my dues and pit in my time,
Then, out of nowhere....another Mount Everest to climb!
I've decided today to make it my vow 
To take Someday Isle and make it NOW! ~Dr. Denis Waitley~

What can we do to make it  happen NOW?

How often in your life have you put something off, saying, "Someday I'll get to that?" A big one for me has been, "Someday I'll improve my health habits and get into better shape!"

Procrastinating some of our stuff could result in fewer "somedays", such as the adventure on which I have embarked. By engaging the journey NOW I just might live longer. Just this morning my count of grandchildren increased by one! With five more sons not yet having any offspring, it would seem I need many more tomorrows to greet and love the coming generation!

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