Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sleep it Off!

Are you "burning your candle at both ends?

We all develop habits that sometimes don;t really suit us well. We've discussed habits before. One such pattern many of us slide into is long, late hours, with very little time to sleep. Our bodies actually do need some down-time! I have noticed a coincidence recently. Remember that hint the other day about allowing your body to fast 12 hours every day? I've begun to apply that concept and find that I am sleeping better through the night.

Another of life's negative natural patterns is discouragement. Often a repetitive activity such as a juicing fast could become, it can become discouraging and boring....drinking the same green stuff several times a day. So, discouraged, folks often quit and return to their old habits. Would it break up the boredom and discouragement if you varied your juices? Search out the numerous options of juice recipes providing similar outcomes and "mix it up"!

Albert Einstein taught that mankind uses only 10% of his brain's capacity. We need, for this journey and for life, to discover much more of the possibilities available. This graphic claims that our mind controls only 5% of our brain's function. The other 95% would be unconscious controls! What if we increased our mind's conscious control of our lives?  That may ease the challenges of this and other journeys life presents.

Well, off to work....I'll post more after work!

Life has a way of placing valuable gifts in our paths! Do we watch for them and appreciate them? While I was "at work" today, a dear friend posted a really cool YouTube video on his facebook's about dreams, and about  increasing our consious control! Another coincidence? I was just discussing that concept before I left for work earlier!

One more of those "serendipitous" events of the day - I began reading a book between phone calls, that I received last night.....The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard. Take a look at it. It discusses in depth, many of the success and motivation concepts we've touched on in this and past posts! Again, encouraging taking conscious control! The link offers the book free (limited time), for just the shipping!

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