Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who Controls Our Food Source?

Way back when I was in my youth, I recall a visit to Disneyland. A star of the Tommorowland exhibit was Monsanto, taking guest into a microscope to tour their microscopic modification...improving the “health and nutrition” of a growing world population, selling the youth of America on the benefits of genetic modification. Today the concept of genetic modification is reality. Monsanto today holds 90 percent of all genetically modified seeds in the world. You may ask how a private partner of the federal government owns such a stunning percentage control over our food supply.

That’s right, Monsanto. Millions of stories have been written about that company, hundreds of thousands of farmers have felt what it is like to deal with Monsanto – either as its ally or its enemy. Whatever your personal stand is, many are passionate in their belief regarding Monsanto trying to take over the world seed supply, nation by nation! He who controls the seed controls the food supply; and he who controls the food supply controls the world. There is no question that Monsanto is on a mission to monopolize the conventional seed market. In fact, the company is steadfastly working towards the goal of creating a world where 100% of all commercial seeds are genetically modified and patented – basically a world where natural seeds are extinct.

Over the years, Monsanto convinced the world's growers of the safety and benefits of using their patented seed source, got the contracts signed. Now, if your neighbor is using their patented seed, and you are not, you may find yourself in the gunsights of the mega-corporation for damaging their client's crop................just some Food For Thought!

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