Closer to the Source includes other than foods!

In addition to foods, Closer to the Source will cover other areas of focus in improving and simplifying our lives!

Monday, January 16, 2017

What Do You Feed Your Mind?

Each of us insists upon feeding our bodies with precise regularity, typically three times a day. Life can become very traumatic if circumstances cause us to skip one of those meals! In fact, if we miss too many, our health will be in jeopardy.  And, it also matters what we consume. We can choose a diet of junk food, or select healthier options.

   How do we feel about feeding our minds? That is just as important to our health as providing nutrition to our bodies!

   Is the television your main diet? Many folks, in our society today feed their minds a diet provided by our broadcast media companies. One can actually find great learning opportunities within the realm of Broadcast Media. But, by far the majority of options fall into the mental junk food classification. Most commercial movies released on society will numb the senses and blur the lines of morality and honor.

   Can you identify when the last time you intentionally sat down
and read an uplifting book? This could include scriptures, motivational books, audio books, novels, or other positive uplifting materials. Or, listened to uplifting music!
If you invited an impartial observer to peruse your personal library, including books, audio materials, movies, etc., to determine the type of diet which you feed your mind, what would they find?

   Twenty some years ago I actually sold vacuums....door to door. There was always the old cliché about dumping a bucket of dirt on the lady's floor and proving that your machine would resolve the ensuing mess. That might work for vacuums. But the human minds will retain all the learning opportunities presented. So, we should choose more consciously what we permit our mind to feast upon! Zig Ziglar often taught that "What you feed your mind determines your appetite"!

   There is so much material available to improve your mental dietary improvement program Here is a brief summary to work with, along with the author's website for details:

Here's eight ways you can feed your brain and increase your intelligence.
Ø Be curious.
Ø Exercise regularly. It's been proven that exercise helps to increase brain function and enhances neurogenesis. ...
Ø Do something new. ...
Ø Train your memory. ...
Ø Think positive. ...
Ø Eat healthy. ...
Ø Read a book. ...
Ø 8 Get enough sleep.